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Digital Transformation Market Trend Reports ADAPT’s 2024 CIO Edge insights for Australian technology vendors by Pooja Singh May 29, 2024 | 12 mins

Executive summary  

During ADAPT’s CIO Edge in February 2024, we surveyed more than 150 CIOs from some of Australia’s largest and most innovative organisations to gain insights into their key initiatives and challenges this year. 

The delegation represented 28% of Australia’s GDP and 12% of the country’s workforce. We also collected insights from government agencies and technology providers who were present at CIO Edge. 

Key themes from the survey and discussions included: 

  1. Australian CIOs are optimistic about AI adoption but struggle to realise its value. 
  2. Legacy technologies and cloud costs are impacting organisations’ plans to become data-first and AI-driven. 
  3. Organisations will move from focusing on industries to customer “domains” to enhance value and manage rising cost pressures. 
  4. Technology buying decisions are no longer solely in the hands of CIOs; CFOs are becoming more influential throughout this process. 
  5. Embracing a partner mindset aligned with broader organisational goals that supersedes offering one-time solutions. 

In this report, we’ve included several statistics and anonymised quotes to bridge the gap between what we’ve gathered and what you’ll require for your upcoming discussions. These insights will add value to your sales and partnership conversations with prospective clients who seek solutions to develop a forward-thinking technology strategy.

You can also access the ADAPT Keynotes, which are referenced through this report in the  Expert Presentations section of the ADAPT research portal. Additionally, we would also recommend you access ADAPT’s workshop recording series, titled “Know your customer”. This will help you understand the key priorities of your target end-user industry and persona for 2024.  

Want to download the full report? Fill in your details to request access to the full report and we’ll be in touch soon.​
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