Digital Transformation
Market Narratives
Digital Initiatives in Education
In June 2022 ADAPT surveyed 100 Digital Transformation leaders at its Digital Edge program. The event brings together some of Australia's leading Chief Digital Officers CDOs and Heads of Digital. Explore this dataset for insights into the digital initiatives of Australia's leading organisations, with a focus on the Education sector.
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In June 2022 ADAPT surveyed 100 Digital Transformation leaders at its Digital Edge program. The event brings together some of Australia’s leading Chief Digital Officers CDOs and Heads of Digital.
Executives surveyed represent Australian organisations employing 8% of the Australian workforce; accounting for around a quarter of Australia’s GDP.
For digitisation across the organisation, the equivalent question is asked in the CIO Edge May Survey. In areas that examine digitisation across the business, ADAPT uses a combined sample.
This report contains information on digital initiatives in 2022. Respondents in the education sector are benchmarked against the entire sample in the areas of:
- Digitisation across the business.
- Customer experience focus and challenges.
- Employee experience focus and challenges.
- Emerging technology deployment.
- Investment priorities.