ADAPT’s recommendations for trusted, commercial AI initiatives
Executive Summary
An iconic YouTube from 2001: A Space Odyssey (1968) personifies what some people fear with artificial intelligence (AI). In the film, when a pilot asks an AI system to open the gates, there is a spine-chilling line where the AI system replies with, “I can’t do that Dave.” Whether it is Terminator, iRobot or Ex Machina, popular culture is constantly bombarding us with AI advisories skewing our perception.
In contrast, the fictionalised Space Odyssey example is aligned with the underlying concern of many practitioners of AI and Machine Learning (ML). To summarise the concern:
Are the outputs of algorithms comparable to the conclusions that a reasonable person with ethical intentions would reach?
From a business perspective, this report provides Data Leaders with the prevailing trends for AI and the intrinsic ethical risks. Opportunities for how ethical AI can enhance dignity and inclusion follow. The report concludes with ADAPT’s recommendations.
Data Leaders, working with the CIO, Risk Leader and CISO to manage the risks of AI, should:
- Act against Adversarial AI to fend off new types of data-driven attacks.
- Counteract the people and regulatory based risks involved with AI.
- Embed transparency at the model, data and outcome layers.
These recommendations will enable Data Leaders support the CIO and Chief Risk Officer to develop ethical frameworks. Practical guidance for this is detailed in an ADAPT Best Practices report published in this set. This set also includes an ADAPT Market Trends that describes how to unlock the exponential value of Generative AI. Underpinned by an ADAPT Primer, this set is completed with an ADAPT Market Trends report that examines the corporate, tech and people strategy alignments required to achieve change.