Executive summary
In the report Simplify compliance with deepening digital obligations, ADAPT sets out the choice CIOs must make as digital obligations deepen and broaden. CIOs can either:
- Address each new digital obligation as it emerges, or
- Build an engine that can simplify and adapt compliance to regulatory evolutions.
That report argues for the latter and – given the expense, time and consensus required for these changes – that this build needs to start now. To do so, CIOs can increase prioritisation for ensuring compliance (which, as shown above, currently sits as their number 12 priority). By doing so, CIOs can drive greater operating effectiveness.
But what triggers this need to simplify compliance? While we’ve argued the case for building a common engine that can adapt as obligations change, some specific regulatory triggers can help when making the case for change more targeted. As you explore the imperatives in this report, validation for the common, adaptable engine may be found in the depth and breadth of the imperatives in focus.
This report will further explore that context and the emerging regulatory imperatives. Framing of these imperatives per the Six Shields can be made available.