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Analyst Market Briefings Know Your Customer: Selling to the Chief Digital Officer and Heads of Transformation 19 July, 2022 ADAPT have delivered Digital Edge for seven years and identified the emerging and now established owners of transformation and innovation for EX,... More Watch Replay
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ADAPT have delivered Digital Edge for seven years and identified the emerging and now established owners of transformation and innovation for EX, operational efficiency and CX.

Gathering them annually, we will reveal the new Q2 2022 Digital Edge delegation survey to show your customers’ needs around:

  • Challenges in delivering better employee experience
  • Challenges in delivering world class customer experience
  • How ‘digitised’ they are – by function
  • How well they have deployed and operationalised emerging technologies
  • Their barriers in delivering on transformation
  • Investment priorities and capital allocation
  • Business aims of this persona – and comparison to their peers

After 10 years of ‘transformation’ and Billons spent, Boards and CFOs want to assess the proven value of digital investments. Digital leaders must establish and dashboard new metrics to measure collaboration, agility, EX and CX.

They need your help to do this and to be the change champion – to win allies, shift culture, manage their stakeholders, take everyone on the journey, and finance their next round of modernisation – and investment in your solutions.

Watch the replay now.

Meet the Moderator & Presenters
Jim Berry Jim Berry CEO and Founder at ADAPT
Jim founded ADAPT with a vision to help Australia thrive commercially, now and for the future. To enable that, Jim leads ADAPT’s mission... More

Jim founded ADAPT with a vision to help Australia thrive commercially, now and for the future. To enable that, Jim leads ADAPT’s mission to connect, inform and equip our local business and tech leaders. 

Leading the development of ADAPT’s agendas and content strategy whilst also advising executive leadership teams from global technology providers, Jim is uniquely experienced to be the voice of the end user, customer and vendor.

Bringing his deep knowledge of the local market, Jim regularly presents on modernisation and “know your customer.” He guides business leaders who are responsible for developing and deploying technology strategies across their organisations and helps some of the world’s largest vendors with their go-to-market and content plans.

Through entrepreneurial product development and a servant leader mentality with his team and clients, ADAPT grows annually with clearly differentiated value for all stakeholders.

Gabby Fredkin Gabby Fredkin Head of Analytics & Insights
Gabby’s primary role is managing analysis to produce ADAPT’s actionable insights. He has extensive experience in using data to identify technology trends... More

Gabby’s primary role is managing analysis to produce ADAPT’s actionable insights. He has extensive experience in using data to identify technology trends to support Australian organisations.​

Using modern data science techniques, he provides ADAPT and its customers with confidence in the accuracy and validity of the information used for ADAPT’s research, advisory and events.​

With a passion for creating stories with data, Gabby is consistently rated as one of the top speakers at ADAPT’s events. In roundtable discussions, he specialises in using statistics to initiate thought-provoking discussions. ​

Gabby is effective in translating information into insights, enabling ADAPT’s customers to become more data-driven.​

Gabby’s primary areas of expertise are:​

  • Advanced AI and ML practices, including AI ethics.​
  • Building models to benchmark and predict IT performance.​
  • End-user behaviour and human-centred design.​
  • Cross-functional team design and value, such as DevSecOps.​
Shane Hill Shane Hill Principal Research Analyst at ADAPT
Shane manages ADAPT’s research agenda and is responsible for driving survey evolution.​ He has over 20 years of experience in technology delivery... More

Shane manages ADAPT’s research agenda and is responsible for driving survey evolution.​

He has over 20 years of experience in technology delivery and market intelligence roles. This includes over six years serving technology and services providers at Gartner.​

Shane has deep knowledge of the UK and Australian markets, across financial services, government, professional services and energy/utilities sectors.​

As an IT services expert, he is equipped to advise organisations as they commoditise technology foundations to then differentiate through world-class experiences.​

Shane builds on this expertise to advise on practical ESG, data & AI, and the application modernisation strategies required to realise those aims.​

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