Digital Transformation
Market Narratives
Are you ready to revolutionise productivity and business agility?
Operational value leapt 41% these past 12 months, returning to Feb 2022 levels. Greater process excellence can help to drive that value while also offering greater connectivity for those serving customers directly or via ecosystems.
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Operational value leapt 41% these past 12 months, returning to Feb 2022 levels. Greater process excellence can help to drive that value while also offering greater connectivity for those serving customers directly or via ecosystems.
Key Takeaways:
- Organisations are more able to capture value from their operations than from customers or ecosystems, with opportunities for greater agility and excellence.
- Despite the need for greater operational effectiveness, our findings reveal that process excellence are relatively low priorities for CIOs in 2024.
- Consequently, the proportion of revenues from cross-selling and innovative products & services slumped in the past 2 years.
- Greater alignment across our investments for integration, digitisation and automation can help to drive agility, productivity and organisational revenues.
- Effective digitisation is key – where processes integrate well across departments and for end customers. But the effectiveness across key processes remains low.
- Critically, these process challenges make it harder…