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Keeping People at the Heart of Service NSW’s Transformation with The Hon. Victor Dominello, MP
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Digital Transformation Expert Presentations

Keeping People at the Heart of Service NSW’s Transformation with The Hon. Victor Dominello, MP

Jun 29, 2022 | 2 min

NSW Minister for Customer Service and Digital Government, The Honorable Victor Dominello, is responsible for leading life-changing tech initiatives, such as:

  • 1.7 billion COVID-safe check-ins
  • $5.5 million in Dine and Discover Vouchers
  • 4 million digital drivers’ licenses
  • 2 million downloads of fuel check

To combat the naysayers, Victor says proving incremental value has been critical. The digital driver’s license was the initial trust-builder between the government platform and citizens.

By starting with a foundation of privacy, security, transparency, ethics, and inclusion, Victor has fostered state-wide trust. By following a vision of empowering the individual with their own data, Victor has seen triumphant customer engagement.

Next up on Victor’s horizon is building a digital wallet with all your credentials, licenses, and certificates.

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