Cloud & Infrastructure
Market Narratives
Infrastructure Insights 2024: ANZ Leadership Priorities & Investment Focus
Feb 21, 2025
ANZ infrastructure leaders are accelerating modernisation efforts, with a strong focus on AI integration, cost optimisation, and security.
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ANZ infrastructure leaders are accelerating modernisation efforts, with a strong focus on AI integration, cost optimisation, and security. However, execution remains a challenge due to funding constraints, talent shortages, and legacy system complexities. As organisations shift from a security-first mindset (2023) to skills-first priorities (2024), multi-cloud adoption and regulatory compliance are becoming critical factors in long-term strategy.
Core Insights:
The evolution of strategic priorities
- Shift from security-first (2023) to skills-first (2024) as a top concern.
- Growing emphasis on AI strategy and implementation.
- Cost optimisation remains a central focus across all infrastructure investments.
Barriers to execution are widespread
- Persistent funding, talent, and legacy…