Cloud & Infrastructure
Market Narratives
Cloud Vendor Landscape 2024: Security, Simplicity, and Service -Specific Selection in ANZ
Feb 21, 2025
Cloud vendor selection in ANZ is driven by security, ease of implementation and cost, with infrastructure leaders prioritising practical value over ecosystem depth. Azure leads across most service categories, AWS is gaining traction in data storage, and Google Cloud is emerging as a key player in AI. The evolving market reflects shifting priorities and competitive dynamics.
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Cloud vendor selection in ANZ is driven by security, ease of implementation and cost, with infrastructure leaders prioritising practical value over ecosystem depth. Azure leads across most service categories, AWS is gaining traction in data storage, and Google Cloud is emerging as a key player in AI. The evolving market reflects shifting priorities and competitive dynamics.
Core Insights:
Security, implementation and cost drive vendor choice
- Security (90%), ease of implementation (89%), and total cost of ownership (88%) are the top selection criteria.
- Ecosystem considerations rank much lower (56%), highlighting a focus on immediate operational value.
- Sustainability features and broader partnerships are not primary decision drivers.
- Azure Leads, AWS Expands, Google Cloud Gains AI Momentum
Microsoft Azure dominates across all service categories, with 89% market share in productivity tools.
- AWS shows strong and consistent growth, particularly in data storage (22% YoY increase).
- Google Cloud…